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Chef Jenn acknowledges that:

  • The world’s fish stocks are being unsustainably caught and the fishing and aquaculture industries are involved in unsustainable and unfair practices, both on land and at sea
  • The current decline of fish resources, coupled with the current consumption patterns of the developed world is not sustainable nor equitable, and needs to be reversed
  • Chef Jenn and our product line retailers have a responsibility to act, and needs to play a role in reversing the decline of living marine resources.
  • We acknowledge that if supermarkets are to continue to supply what many people see as a healthy food option, comprehensive sustainable and equitable seafood sourcing policies must be used.

Chef Jenn understands that sustainable and equitable seafood does not fall under any of the following five categories:

  • Seafood from overfished stocks or species listed as vulnerable, threatened, endangered, critically endangered, data deficient or protected on any domestic or international list
  • Species that are vulnerable to exploitation
  • Seafood from poorly managed or illegal, unregulated and undocumented – (IUU) fisheries
  • Seafood caught or farmed using methods that are detrimental to other marine species and/or habitats
  • Seafood caught of farmed in a manner that threatens the traditional fishing grounds/ livelihoods of, especially, the poor of developing countries, or is the result of an inequitable fisheries access agreement to the stocks of developing coastal countries.

In order to deliver sustainable and equitable seafood to our customers, Chef Jenn works with suppliers to gain the best sources available. We only source seafood that is traceable back to the vessel that caught it, with evidence that the catch was within quota.
